Saturday, January 28, 2012

Homemade Mozzarella

Easier than you would think with practice (and it only 
 takes about 30 minutes)...

 Homemade Mozzarella Cheese:
1 gallon milk
1t sea salt
1 1/2 teaspoon citric acid 
1 Rennet Tablet (dissolve in 1/4 cup cold water) 

(Large pot, candy thermometer, slotted spoon, strainer, bowel of ice water) 

Pour milk into large non alluminum pot, sprinkle citric acid on top and gently stir together for 30sec

Bring milk to 88*-add dissolved rennet and stir

Bring milk to 105*, cover, remove from heat

Let stand undisturbed for 5-15 minutes, until clean break has occured (no longer liquidy)

(if curds have not formed at this point, add another dissolved rennet tab)

Remove curds with a slotted spoon into a strainer

Push down with spoon to remove whey

Put in microwave safe bowl, and microwave for 30sec, use slotted spoon to pour of more whey. Repeat 2-3 times total

When most of whey has been removed, add salt and knead like bread. Return to microwave for 30 seconds, knead one more time. The cheese should be shiny and stretchy now.

Make into a ball and put into a bowl of ice water to set for a few minutes